SSS 1: Hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds containing hydrogen and carbon only. All hydrocarbons have the general molecular formula of C x H y Examples of hydrocarbons include methane[ CH 4 ], ethene[C 2 H 4 ], ethyl[ C 2 H 2 ], benzene[ C 6 H 6 ], etc Hydrocarbons are classified into two main groups according to their structure. 1. Aliphatic hydrocarbons 2. Aromatic hydrocarbons Sources of hydrocarbons The natural sources of hydrocarbons are: 1. Natural gas 2. Crude oil (Petroleum) 3. Coal They are known as fossil fuels. •Natural gas is a gaseous fuel •Petroleum is a dark viscous liquid fuel •Coal is a solid fuel Crude oil (Petroleum) Crude oil is a dark and sticky viscous liquid found in the underground. It contains hydrocarbons such as alkanes, alkenes, etc....